Thursday, 11 August 2011

It's been a LONG time...

So I'm not going to have any pictures for the moment but thats because I'm currently in Ghana and this isn't my laptop so I haven't got pictures on here (N). Been here since the 5th of July and it's really getting to me now, as soon as I came it was 3 meals a day and I had the horrible time where I could feel myself putting on weight. But then they realised that I don't like eating much and they were a bit annoyed but I've been able to get back down to 1 meal a day but I've put on weight. I'm back up to 8 stone which is horrible =(.
On the plus side I get to go back on the 24th but that is 1 day before results day and I have a gut feeling that I've failed and it is really getting to me...... BUT next week I get my iPhone so either way I think I will be happy for a bit.
I need to do some serious working out when I get back because I have no place and rarely any time to do exercise while I am here. Also my BBM has run out so I'm basically cut off from civilisation which has been horrible  haven't been able to chat to anybody for about a week, I didn't realise how much I depended on my phone.
CW: 8 Stone

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