Wednesday, 8 June 2011

"Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you'll look back and realise they were the big things."

^Pregnant and still looking amazing^

^Daily Thinspo^

I actually think I'll be getting my tattoo. I'm down to 103 right now and it is all thanks to the exams, so hopefully I won't plateau and I will get under 100 to ensure I am able to compete. No exams today or tomorrow so I'm still in bed, but I do need to get ready and go to the library because I find it so hard to revise at home sometimes. And I only just found out you can check the stats and see how many times your blog has been seen, and people actually do read it ='] or maybe look at the beautiful pictures either way thank you.
This has probably been the hardest weight to lose ever I had been exercising loads but nothing and then all of a sudden I was down by 4lbs, this makes me feel so happy. The whole structured meal time thing hasn't worked I just don't go downstairs and I think my aunt has realised that she can't make me so she has just left it which gives me more time to actually revise and then exercise. I've decided that when I get a working camera I will take pictures and put some up myself. *cringe*

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