Monday, 20 June 2011

One of the best days ever =D

^Nom nom nom beautiful^

^want a side profile like that^

So I went to see my prom dress today, and I tried it on and the dressmaker said possibly the best thing I'd heard that day "It's too big I have to take it in 2 inches". fdsakjgrwiugbdovfadngdi so happy, but the only thing is I've lost so much weight off my bust because that's the first thing to go when the weight loss begins, ah well we all have to make sacrifices. I've had 6 meals in 7 days and an uncountable amount of strawberry and mango fruit tea with honey. That's what's been keeping me going, but I haven't been able to do much exercise which is really pissing me off.
Just randomly had a thought on how much I love it when I can feel/see a guys hip bones, and gosh my boyfriends ones are so nice, that was completely off topic but yeah....

Current Weight: 98lbs

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