Monday, 16 May 2011


^My beautiful black thinspo^

^Thinspo for the day^

So today the exams began I had one English paper and a French listening. English hopefully went fine but French was such a fail I don't even know how it was so bad but it just was. It was one of those things where you come out and think 'Hmm that might have been okay' but then everyone is there discussing which answers they put down and just think to yourself 'SHXT'. Ahh well I can't change it now so I'm just going to have to hope that the grade boundaries are low.
So anyway I didn't weigh myself last week because I just knew I must have gained. The whole structured meal times really isn't working for me at all.
Current Weight: 114 lbs

but on the plus side I haven't actually eaten that much since saturday because I kept vomiting because of the nerves but other than that I hope it's been fine. I'm going to start a fast from tomorrow even though that probably isn't the best thing to do because my body and brain need energy during exam period I'm going to have to make that sacrifice if I have any hope of competing in the summer.

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