Monday, 30 May 2011

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves"

^Currently my favourite quote.^

^Thinspo *LoveStruck*^

^Daily Thinspo^

Thought today I'll try to talk about something other that calories but I'll probs stray onto it. So 5 days ago I told me boyfriend that I think we should go on a break and then immediately regretted it but I'm to stubborn to own up to things like that. We didn't talk for a couple of days then when we did we had another argument. We have so many I really don't think it's healthy but I really like him & I guess we end up doing stupid things when we are/ think we are in love. That's another thing my 'older brother' well that's what I'm going to call him because that's what he acts like decided he was a suitable person to give me relationship advice after cheating on his girlfriend of 4years twice =S. Anyhoo he told me that you aren't in love with somebody unless you would give up everything for them including your life. Now I know that I'm no expert but that's kind of extreme I mean like woooow. So anyway he told me not to get back together with my ex because he'll just fuxk about. I'm now going to stray... So I'm on the pill, effective contraception might I add, and 3days ago it decided to finish. TBH that is my fault but I thought that I had another sleeve somewhere but I was obviously wrong. So it finished and on the first day I didn't take it my period comes for the first time in 3 months, I'm so upset, so I'm off to the doctors/ family planning on Wednesday to get a 6month supply =D.
Today hasn't been that good I had chips from the fish & chips shop. My period makes me crave such weird things; Pickles and custard or olive and grilled cheese sandwiches which definitely isn't helping with the weight loss *sigh* guess I'm just gonna have to work out extra hard.

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