Saturday, 28 May 2011

Exams *sigh*

^Beautiful Legs^

^Daily Thinspo^

So I've done 12 exams now, some went much better than others. I guess I didn't get as addicted to this as I thought I would which is good, I guess it's the exam stress. Haven't been eating properly so I'm down which is good but not as much as I thought I would. The sight of food makes me feel sick =/ and all I do is sit in my room revising or texting so now I've been forced out on walks to make sure I get some fresh air every now and then. I'm currently in a park with my friend and it's 23:38 which probably isn't such a good idea as there are always freaks around but oh well I was getting sick and tired of seeing the same thing day in and day out.
Current Weight: 110lbs =[
Still need to lose another 10lbs in just over a week which I don't think can be done because I really don't have time to exercise and I have 9 more exams left to do and these are considerably harder than the 12 I've just done. *sigh*

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